How to be Successful at School


School is the key to life. If you focus at school and give your best effort you will have a high chance in having a great future. But the real question is, what is the best way to do well at school? There are many ways to be able to do well at school either its time management or its studying more and more, but one of the best ways to be successful is organization. And to begin with you will need an organized desk:

  • When you get home look at your desk, and start with a clean slate (take everything off)
  • Next, organize all your paper and put them in a pile depending on the class
  • If your desk has drawers put all your papers in there so that when you need them you take them out.
  • Create a checklist
  • Tic everything off as you go
  • Get a timer if you have a lot of work to do to balance the time you are spending
  • When you are finished pack your bag AT NIGHT so that tomorrow you have no worries and are up and ready to go.

Now remember there are so many other ways to keep yourself organized not by only fixing your desk. Click here to explore the other ways.

Work Cited:

Burns, Kathi. An Unorganized Desk. 23 May 2015. San Diego, California. addSpace. Web. 18 Sept 2015.

Giorgi, Elizabeth. Things you can do today for a more organized desk. 10 Aug 2012. Minneapolis. Apartment Therapy. Web. 18 Sept 2015.

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